I started teaching hand analysis at the State University of New York at Binghamton
in the winter of 1969. What I lacked in training aids (I had none) I made up for with
a surplus of enthusiasm. Well, it is over forty years later; my enthusiasm has not
waned but the training materials have certainly improved over time.
The International Institute of Hand Analysis has four training manuals:
• The Hand Analysis Intensive
• Year Long Certification Training
• Advanced Hand Analysis Training
• Master Hand Analyst Training
Copyrighted IIHA training manuals are 150 – 350 pages and contain printed
material, diagrams, hand prints, homework and journal exercises designed to
support students learning hands. Each manual has gone through multiple revisions
as the IIHA programs have been taught by a variety of gifted teachers, each leaving
their indelible imprint on the training methods and materials.
It is worth noting, however, that reading hands cannot be learned by study alone.
Like many other skills, practice – practice – practice and your individual style and
talent for hand analysis will emerge in the form that fits who you are at your best.
For an overview of IIHA training manuals, scroll ahead for some excerpts.
Thank you for your interest in the world of hand analysis.
Richard Unger
Founder and Director, IIHA
Workbook Samples Click to Download PDF
 Overview 2012 |