

The Life Purpose Hand Analysis Intensive

The purpose of the Life Purpose Hand Analysis Intensive is to provide a basic course in hand analysis. Graduates of this training have all the entry-level skills necessary to read thumbs, fingers, major lines and fingerprints. Discover your own Life Purpose and Life Lessons as you learn to read the same for family, friends, or anyone. This course is perfect for therapists, healers, counselors, life coaches and anyone who wishes to gain a fresh new paradigm of human consciousness.

Over 1,000 people have taken the IIHA Intensive since 1981

The Life Purpose Hand Analysis Intensive includes:

  • 18 – 21 hours of training with an IIHA Certified Teacher
  • 200 page workbook with handprint examples
  • Audio recording of course for continued study
  • Private tutoring follow-up session to ask hand questions
  • This course is the prerequisite for the Certified Hand Analyst Training
Richard Unger Alana Unger Pascal Strossel Janet Savage Ronelle Coburn Nadia Tumas Roberta Coker