IIHA Faculty


Nadia Tumas

Working with women entrepreneurs as an Certified Advanced Hand Analyst and Life and Business Coach, Nadia Tumas is an internationally known and award winning leading expert with a thriving private practice.

People are sometimes surprised to learn that Nadia graduated from University with a degree in Chemical Engineering and then went on to become a fully licensed Branch Office Manager in Financial Services.

Nadia was also a Licensed Practical Nurse with extensive clinical experience as well as being an accomplished Reiki Master and Karuna Reiki Master. This dichotomy of experiences makes perfect sense to Nadia: "I am, at my core, a scientist who searches for the fundamental truth in whatever I do."

With Nadia's unique blend of business experience combined with a very high sense of perception and clairvoyant ability, intuition, and an understanding of human psychology and physiology, she approaches her unique work from a practical scientific point of view as well as an intuitive one to bring her clients' brilliance to millions.

Richard Unger Alana Unger Pascal Strossel Janet Savage Ronelle Coburn Nadia Tumas Roberta Coker