?The International Institute of Hand AnalysisIIHA Historical Overview Richard's First Palmistry Class Jack is one of several of the curious at the table in the snack bar, asking questions about his hands and hands in general. He has this beautiful, enormous smile, which is a good thing since his beard is so bushy you wouldn't notice it otherwise. I truly admire Jack, and not just for his facial adornments and interest in hands. President of the Senior Class in 1968, Jack used his knowledge of the University administration to sue the school and create a new position: his current job. Given the 18% unemployment in Binghamton, any job was a good job but Jack's job was a dream-come-true. He is responsible for spending approximately a $100,000 of student activities fee money on whatever he deems most interesting. Jack says that instead of teaching hands for free in the snack bar he thinks he can arrange for me to be paid as part of the "Campus Activities Program," funded by his office. Sounds good to me. Besides, $190 for seven classes was almost a month's income back then. A small notice goes into the campus newspaper, two signs go up near the snack bar, and I start prepping for my first formal class. I am nervous, but expecting only a half dozen students, I am not too concerned. The location selected for me was one of the new science lecture halls. The hall holds about 150 people: 30 rows, 50 seats to a row, staggered vertically so that the students can be as close to the teacher as possible. The effect is like a Greek auditorium in state funded burgundy and gray. I have my notes in hand as I walk across campus toward a classroom I had previously known only as a student. This is going to be fun. I open the door and stare amazed: 72 students (I counted), and a photographer from the Binghamton newspaper. I do the class in a state of total shock. I teach several semesters at SUNY, and as a famous man of the same era once said: I have a dream. I dream of a school for hand analysts, extended training, an international journal (can you believe there isn't one already?), research programs, a library, and more. But I also dreamt of a new generator for my car so I wouldn't have to hitchhike to campus and that dream seemed slow to materialize. So, a generation and several generators later, the IIHA is 27 years old, my first book: LifePrints: Deciphering Your Life Purpose from Your Fingerprints is now in three languages and getting ready for its second printing. I look forward to watching the rest of this IIHA Philosophy What Is Hand Analysis? The hand analyst examines the overall shape of palm and fingers to determine basic temperament, the thumb to see you how you "get things under your thumb," and the twelve zones of the fingers to see personality strengths and weaknesses. The lines in the palm are examined to determine basic wiring: the type of emotional system you have, what kind of computer you possess, which nervous system type you are, etc. Talents and hidden motivations are revealed. ?Both hand shape and lines change over time, but fingerprints remain unaltered from five months prior to birth. By comparing the original imprint revealed in your fingerprints with the dynamic map of your personality and character shown in the lines and hand topography, a hand reading gives perspective to your current circumstances in relation to the big picture of your life story. What is Soul Psychology? What Is Life Purpose and Why Is it Important? Whether hidden or known, your Life Purpose is the guiding principle behind the events of your life, the voice of your destiny calling out to you from your soul. Your Life Purpose lies within you, always seeking expression, some means of awakening you to the power of its message. It is elusive, it is always there; it is real, it is a dream. Why Do I Read Hands? And when I take notice, I see a transformation in my own experience: I am clear and centered, weightless, aware, more alive, more thankful and more alert than at any other time in my life. Why do I read hands? To help other people, to become more self aware, because nothing, absolutely nothing, connects me more to my spiritual center, because my own Life Purpose commands it, because they are there. Richard Unger |